Why subscribe?

Today, we are seeing more wealth going to the top 1%. We are facing stagnation in our wages; an increase in working hours for some, and unemployment for others; a wider practice of misclassifying and subcontracting aimed to circumvent labor laws; a heightened cost of living that starkly contrasts with the decrease in our real income; and more. As the US remains the global bellwether for capitalism and imperialism, its ruling-class uses the polarized public discourse to further weaken our unity as a class and render us more susceptible to super-exploitation.

This publication seeks to make sharp criticisms of current culture and politics — left and right — and provide a dееpеr undеrstаnding of thе conditions challenging us today in our lives and our organizing with other workers. We see the urgency to raise and unify our collective consciousness, develop strategies, and eventually win back control of our own lives. We must work across trade, race, gender, citizenship, and nationality; we must end the compartmentalizing of interests that creates hostility and scapegoating among workers. We believe that once united, working people both domestically and abroad will have a fighting chance to liberate ourselves from our current conditions.

We want to hear from you. Criticisms, disagreements, agreements, experiences, collaborations all welcome.

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hot takes on current debates


We engage working pеoplе towаrds а dееpеr undеrstаnding of thе conditions fаcing us todаy.